Poultry & Eggs
Energy Saving Measures for Poultry and Egg Farms in New York State

There are a number of measures and technologies available to help poultry and egg farms reduce energy use and save money while maintaining or enhancing production.
The following measures are common recommendations for poultry and egg farms, and some may apply to your farm. These technologies and techniques can reduce energy use while maintaining or improving productivity, and some measures can qualify for incentives and rebates. Explore the subject areas linked to below or by downloading fact sheets about them. If you are interested in more detailed information or support, sign up for a free energy assessment or contact us for general support.

You need a good ventilation system that can help you move air in and out of the product storage areas on your farm. But you also need systems that are reliable and will save energy.

You need a refrigeration system to store produce for a short amount of time until you are ready for distribution. For small or big cooling systems, there is a range of energy efficiency measures that can improve performance and save money.

General Operations
You can download an energy-efficiency factsheet about general operations on poultry and egg farms, which includes the information on this webpage.